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Dr. Slater Murphy

Dr. Slater Murphy received a degree in Exercise Science from The University of Iowa in 2016. He is a 4th generation Chiropractor and a 2019 graduate from Palmer College of Chiropractic. In addition to traditional Chiropractic techniques, Dr. Slater applies an emerging and innovative neurological application, NetworkSpinal. 


NetworkSpinal is a salutogenic spinal assessment and adjusting protocol advancing unique innate emerging spinal strategies. This results in increased levels of information and energy coherence with tangible outcomes of the central nervous system and spinal self organization. it links spinal progression to structural, behavioral, and perceptual healing


NetworkSpinal Objectives

NetworkSpinal Objective

Promote awareness of energetic (force) and information (intelligence) efficiency for both practitioners and practice members with the creation of novel and evolving dynamics of the spine and central nervous system. This includes somatic awareness of gross and subtle movement of spinal structures, tension patterns, associated respiratory engagement, and enhanced levels of beingness and its relationship to life.


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